If you are new to acupuncture and Chinese medicine, you likely have many questions. Many common questions about acupuncture, Chinese medicine and the Acupuncture Health Center of Willowbrook are addressed in the FAQs below. If you have a question that is not addressed here, or simply would like additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Generally speaking, acupuncture treatment is safe if it is performed properly by a well-trained practitioner. Unlike many drugs, it is non-toxic, and adverse reactions are minimal. This is probably one of the chief reasons why acupuncture is so popular in the treatment of chronic pain in many countries. As mentioned previously, acupuncture is comparable with morphine preparations in its effectiveness against chronic pain, but without the adverse effects of morphine, such as dependency.”
Michael doesn’t just practice acupuncture and Chinese medicine – he lives them. A native of China, Michael has been immersed in these ancient techniques his entire life and has been practicing in the United States for over 17 years. Michael graduated from the University of Chinese Medicine in Guangzhou, China and regularly returns to his homeland to study.
Other healthcare providers such as chiropractors and physicians sometimes also practice acupuncture, but they often receive much less training than Licensed Acupuncturists such as Michael. In fact, in the state of Illinois, medical doctors, osteopaths, chiropractors and even dentists can practice acupuncture without any specific training at all. While these providers generally receive only a few hundred hours of training, if any, Licensed Acupuncturists generally receive from 2,500 to 4,000 hours of training in Chinese medical theory, acupuncture and medical science.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are sciences that take many years to master. Michael Moy has extensive experience in the successful treatment of hundreds of medical conditions. Call us today to see how we can help you.
Treatments usually begin on a weekly basis. Two or even three treatments per week may be necessary for certain conditions in the beginning. Once the condition is controlled and symptoms have sufficiently diminished, the treatments are done less frequently.
The number of treatments required will depend on the duration, severity and nature of the condition. Often, conditions that have been unresolved for a long period of time will require more treatments to resolve than newer conditions.
Chinese herbal medicine
Nutritional counseling
Tui Na (massage therapy)
While the Acupuncture Health Center does not bill insurance companies directly, patients receive an itemized receipt for all services that includes the proper medical coding to faciliate processing the paperwork with insurance companies for reimbursement.
Please call us at (630) 455-1528 to schedule an appointment. Last-minute and emergency appointments are welcome.
Acupuncture Health Center
7320 S. Madison Street, Suite 900
Willowbrook, IL 60527