The Acupuncture Health Center in Willowbrook has treated hundreds of satisfied clients who have experienced relief and healing from acupuncture and related therapies. Since no voice speaks louder than the voice of personal experience, we invite you to read testimonials from patients of the Acupuncture Health Center about their experiences with us. These testimonials speak volumes about the kind of service you can expect from the Acupuncture Health Center, and the level of symptom relief that can be achieved through acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
Tennis Elbow- I struggled with a bad case of tennis elbow which did not respond to any conventional therapy. After four sessions with Dr. Michael Moy, the pain is gone and I can play tennis and paddle with no elbow issues. I would highly recommend Dr. Moy to anyone who has struggled with painful tennis elbow!
Jet Lag- My job requires frequent international travel to Asia and Europe. After a recent trip to Asia, Dr. Moy's acupuncture treatment worked wonders for my jet lag.